There would be nothing wrong in stating that a vast majority of men lack the basic ideas on how to impress a girl! However surprising this observation may look, it is partly true a man will always take his time before making a move on a girl. Evidently, this means that if pleasing a girl would be such a simple task, no man would need to re-check his sense of humor, confidence or dressing style before making the move. Really, there should be nothing scientific in impressing a girl. In fact, in an ideal situation, pleasing her should happen naturally, but if it doesn’t, here is a complete guide on how to achieve your goal.
The first impression
A girl will most likely remember you from the initial impression she creates in her mind about you. Just by looking at you, she is able to tell whether you perfectly fit into her specifications of the ideal man. So, how do you create a lasting first impression?
Dress to impress
The way you are dressed up, right from your choice of clothes, color and design is enough to send signals of attraction into her heart.
Take a daily shower
Although taking a shower on a daily basis should automatically be more of a routine activity, be sure to do it properly. There are men who are fond of jumping into the shower, and after two or three minutes, they are out. In short, take time in the shower. Be clean for the woman you want to impress.
Do not over-wear cologne
It is normal to feel excited about impressing a certain girl and this feeling might lead you into overdoing some things such as over-wearing your colognes. It is okay to use up to two colognes or body sprays, but 3 are unacceptable. Ladies pay attention to even the prettiest of details.
Manage facial hair
You should be able to have a clean cut if you fancy short hair, or tame it into a uniform length so that it does not look unruly or scraggly.
Even after taking care of your physical appearance, you should be in a position to tell whether she likes your style or not. At times ladies can be hard to please; you work so hard on your personal attractiveness only to find out that she isn’t impressed yet! Under such circumstance, a great sense of dynamism is required of you. Try out other styles to determine the one she likes.
Personality and Character
Now that you know what looks good on you, working on your character comes next on the agenda. Relying on your attractiveness alone to perform the magic for you won’t work entirely. She might be impressed by your looks, alright; but that surely won’t last for so long. She will get used to it and look forward to new things.
Be polite
When you are well-mannered it does not necessarily mean you’re boring. It simply means that you know how to treat other people with respect, a quality which is loved by an overwhelming majority of the girls.
Be considerate
There is a thin difference between being polite and being considerate. Whereas too much politeness can earn you a ‘Mr. boring guy’, too much consideration will only make you impressing, especially to ladies. Always putting your girl’s needs first with utter selflessness is a guaranteed way of impressing her.
Watch your language
Communication is an unavoidable yet essential skill which by itself has the ability and power to win the attention of a girl. On the other hand, poor communication can in no time ruin an impression you had worked so hard to achieve. Minding your language should not be a problem though if you have no tendency to use insulting words. Always use word such as thank you, please and you’re welcome whenever the occasion is right.
It is incredible how impressing a girl can require a man to exhibit all the impressing qualities at an instant. Well, such is the ‘unfair’ dating world! Back to the basics though, being confident gives a girl the freedom to establish whether you are controlling and authoritative enough to take care of challenging situations.
It is fairly difficult to completely highlight all the dimensions of character which should be kept in check for a girl to be impressed. Every man has his own personality-defining character which can be used positively to get a girl on board. Nonetheless, the ones outlined above are universal and work like charm!
She is the one!
All is done and dusted from your physical part, she is totally impressed and totally deserving of her time. You can now breathe with a sigh of relief because the first puzzle is over, but do it while bracing yourself for yet another challenge. Perhaps this is the perfect moment to note that making a lady happy is a continuous activity or somewhat a long-term investment! It is time to show her the gentleman touch in you; that she is the girl you have long been looking for.
Make her feel special
Girls want to feel special, important and valued. Showering her with gifts periodically is a smart way of keeping her impressed. The birthdate and other important events in her life should forever stick in your mind as you look to surprise her with something new.
Compliment her
If she is smelling and looking good for you every other day and you fail to compliment her is a true recipe for disaster. All the attractiveness she had developed towards you will certainly disappear. Always say something good on her hairstyle, dressing and general physical outlook.
It rewards to give her the space she needs to freely make her mind and pursue personal ambitions.
Do not be too obsessed with her as she will feel her freedom is being curtailed. Be available when she needs you and do not stray away from the objective; to impress her.
That’s how to impress a girl; rather obvious tips but no doubt work perfectly well. Remember pleasing her is not a one-time activity, it is continuous. Good luck!
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