Contrary to popular belief, attracting women isn’t actually that difficult. In fact, if you know what you are doing it is rather simple. There is a real formula to the process, and I have tried to sum up this formula in a couple of short steps on this page. Now, it may take a bit of practice at the start, but if you follow this quick guide on how to attract women step by step you should be fighting off the women before you know it!
Step One
Step one is to build up your confidence. One of the main reasons as to why guys cannot attract girls is because they don’t have the confidence that is required to succeed. Girls absolutely love a confident guy, and if you don’t showcase this, they will just shun you. Now, there are plenty of ways in which you can improve your confidence. I think where you need to start is to give you an appearance that really showcases your personality. You need to be comfortable in what you wear. If you don’t feel confident in a dress shirt then don’t wear one, it will show that you aren’t confident. Dress how you want and you will feel much more relaxed. Don’t forget to engage in good personal hygiene too! Honestly, confidence is something that comes with practice. The more women you talk to, the more confidence you will gain. DO NOT be afraid to be turned down. Even the hottest guys in the world get turned down from time to time. It really isn’t a big deal. Go up to enough women and talk to them and somebody will engage and talk to you and you will get lucky eventually, no matter who you are. Just believe in yourself!
Step Two
Step two of our ‘how to attract women step by step’ guide is the first impression that you give. Remember, that first impression is absolutely vital. Everything will be hinging on it! The first impression you are going to give starts at home, you want to dress appropriately and clean yourself up well (this sort of ties in with the first part!). If you are scruffy then you are giving off the impression that you don’t really care about yourself, and if you do that, you are subconsciously telling the woman that she shouldn’t really care about you either! The first thing you say to her is going to be important too. Basically all you want to do is introduce yourself. Be polite and you should get her to engage in a conversation. Do not go in there with cheesy chat up lines, they aren’t going to work. Trust me on that one.
Step Three
The final step is the conversation. You want to be interesting to the lady. Do not go overboard though. Tell her a little bit about yourself, find out a little bit about her. Honestly, you shouldn’t really think about the conversation, just go with the flow. Of course, since you are attempting to attract her, you are going to want to throw in a couple of compliments from time to time! Don’t let this distract from the overall conversation though. I promise you, the secret to getting a woman is actually listening to a woman and talking to her. Let her get to know your personality and show that you really care about what you say. Hopefully if all goes to plan you can get a bit more personal with the conversation later on. You should know when the time is right.
As you can see from this ‘how to attract women step by step’, there is not a lot you need to do. If you can become confident with yourself and learn how to hold a conversation, you will be able to attract the woman of your dreams. Just make sure that you are not ‘put down’ by being rejected, everybody gets rejected sometimes, that is part and parcel of hitting on women. Don’t even think about where you went wrong (truth is you probably didn’t do anything), just get the next lady in your sights and move on!
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